Support your Health and Well-Being with:
Massage Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Lymphatic Drainage and Somatic Movement
Serving Edmonton and surrounding areas: – (780) 270 42 65
Reconnect & Restore
Flow & Balance
As you attune to your body,
deeper resources within are free
to ignite your health
and support balance from
the inside-out.
What People Say
Patient and Calm Presence
“Craniosacral Therapy with Manuela has helped me to move through stuck places in my body and to resolve old injuries. Manuela knows the body from the inside out, and how to facilitate its movement. I deeply respect her skillful ability to do this work, coupled with her patient and calm presence.”
Shauna L ~ Physiotherapist
Non-Invasive and Yet So Powerful
“Biodynamics is very gentle, non-invasive and yet so powerful. It reveals in such an obvious way that the body does know exactly how to come into balance when someone “just” listens. I felt so relaxed after the sessions and deeply realigned with the wisdom of my body. The treatments helped me with digestive issues and stress-related symptoms in a very holistic way. I learned to listen, trust and follow these healing movements of my body.”
Alice W. ~ Counsellor
Very Skilled and Gentle Craniosacral Practitioner
“Manuela is a very skilled and gentle Craniosacral Practitioner. I love how my body and spirit relaxes when I feel her hands on my body. Manuela’s work has helped me to enjoy more being in my body and to trust my body’s wisdom.”
Daniela T. ~ Teacher
I enjoy your way of teaching and obvious embodiment
“You always find and connect me to the fluid rhythms and tides of my body, whether it be through your touch, breath, sound or movement guidance. I enjoy your way of teaching. Your obvious love and embodiment of the practice opens me to see, feel and delight in levels and levels of being and my own life-giving fluidity.”
Katharine H ~ Massage-therapist
Manuela Definitely has a Healing Touch
“I found Manuela because of pressure I was feeling in my eyes and some residual neck pain from a car accident. I’ve seen Manuela twice a week for 5 weeks and my neck pain is completely gone and my eyes feel significantly better. Beyond that, though, I have been to many Craniosacral Therapists and Manuela definitely has a healing touch. The effects of her healing touch are felt very strongly in my body. I definitely recommend Manuela as a Craniosacral Therapist!”
Nicolette G. ~ Yoga teacher
Always Felt More Relaxed, and Inflow, Connected
“The sounding, the gentle movements and the deep listening within are so wholesome and healing in Manuela’s Continuum classes! We always felt more relaxed, and inflow, connected to the body…. I also enjoyed Manuela’s sensitivity, soft attention, guidance and her deep listening skills, in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy sessions. She kindly and warmly held the space for me to deeply go in, listen, unwind and let go. Manuela is very good and apt in what she does!”
Anne L. ~ Physiotherapist
This Happened Within Only a Few Sessions
“After the residues of an accident and some trauma, Manuela helped me to ground me back into my body, and my nervous system relaxed to where it would no longer get activated. This happened within only a few sessions. My body was able to go deeper and find more resources. Manuela beautifully guided me and spoke about the body and its natural ability to heal. She also gave me body meditations that I could do on my own which were empowering. I gained awareness that I hadn’t previously had.”
Christy B. ~ Reflexologist / CST
Every Single Session a Special Occurrence
“In my Cranio sessions with Manuela, I recognize a very subtle flow in my body that reaches into areas that I had no previous awareness of. It seems that these fields become alive again. In her work, Manuela’s competence along with her gentleness and her insights make every single session a special occurrence.”
Dorothea U.
This Was Like a Miracle
“I experienced Manuela as a very competent, empathic and supportive therapist. She helped me to catch up on developmental movement processes that I missed as a child. At my age, being 60 years old, this was like a miracle. I feel physically more rooted in my body and I developed more steadfastness and constancy in my life, connected with deep joy and a desire to live more and more in my body. In other words, I am more at home in my physical body for which I am very thankful.”
Mechthild S ~ Teacher
Discovering profound connections
“Manuela is a gentle guide into levels of the body easily overlooked in the day-to-day busyness of life. Her steady direction and support never fail to uplift and relax my whole system. I have discovered connections in my body that are so profound and positive, deep and natural. If you are looking to expand your awareness into places within, easily accessible with Manuela’s suggestions, the Continuum Flow and the QiQong classes are both wonderful opportunities”
Jessica JS ~ Homeopath
Healing Craniosacral Therapy
more function and flow in the body
finding peace and energy flow
resting in touch
Questions People Ask
The word “Somatic” refers to the living body, one’s lived experience, encompassing the dimensions of body, psyche and spirit.
“Somatic Movement” generally speaking, is one which is performed consciously with the intention of focusing on the internal experience of the movmeent rather than the external appearance or result of the movement. It is exploratory by nature. Mostly it is performed slowly, as our nervous system can learn new things better this way. When we move fast, we reinforce existing learned patterns. It’s not about the quantity but the quality.
As long as we are in a body, all experience is also a physical experience. Becoming sensetive to this, is an empowering approach to learn more about ourselves and to make better choices.
The client lays fully clothed on a treatment table. The practitioner will with light and gentle touch, make contact with your body and occassionally guide you to explore sensations. Which is deepening presence and the felt sense of being in a body. As you become more aware of resources and habitually held tensions and restrictions, your brain becomes conscious of them, it can then create change. Clients report noticing feelings of release, subtle movements, or adjustments as well as temperature changes and a deepened sense of wholeness, relaxation and relief.
Essentially, work within the Cranial field is the art of intelligent and intuitive listening. Practitioners learn to perceive the body's intrinsic movement dynamics, rhythms, and pulsations through the cells, fluids, and tissue field. They assist the expression of the inherent health of the system and the resolution of its inertial forces and patterns. Biodynamic Practitioners learn to comprehend the nature of the self-healing process and the role of primary respiration in these healing processes. They are able to perceive the tide-like currents flowing through and around the body. These are expressions of our most fundamental resources and healing potency. Dynamic forces at work within the organization of the human system. Which is seen as a unified whole.
Biodynamics does not introduce change through manual interventions. The practitioner is in a state of neutrality, the priorities of the session arise from within the client's health resources and are supported through the right kind of touch, relationship, intention, and background knowledge.